Your Most Valuable Resource: Happy Customers
A lot of businesses have uncovered one of their most valuable resources: happy customers. When you go above and beyond to make your customers happy, you create a loyalty that lasts and keeps them coming to you time and again for their needs. What’s more, loyal customers become a wellspring of referrals for your business. They want to send more customers your way by recommending you to friends, family, coworkers, other businesses. Have you started tapping into your own most valuable resource to grow your brand? Research has shown that customers who are referred to you by an existing customer are better for your business than one who has come to you from other sources. Referred customers: Have a net promoter score (NPS) that is 15 points above the average Have a lifetime value (LTV) that is 25% higher Have an average order value (AOV) that is 20% higher each year ...
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