target audience Tag

Fit Your Business Into the Social Economy

Fit Your Business into the Social Economy

Every day, we see more and more business owners who are focused more on the social economy, or people before profit. While you of course want your business to be a success financially, there is also a lot of value that comes from creating a brand that is driven more by purpose than profits.   Today’s consumers have begun to expect more from the brands they use each day. They are looking for companies that are working to make a difference, whether in social or environmental issues. They want brands who are working to reduce waste, fight emissions, keep rivers and oceans clean. They gravitate towards companies who spend time and money working for social initiatives like helping the homeless population or pushing for marriage equality. What your customers today are looking for goes beyond the product or service you provide, but what you will be doing with the money you earn...

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Positioning Statement

Why You Need a Strong Positioning Statement

If you had to condense the purpose of your business, product, or service into one single statement, could you do it? Could you do it in a way that packs a punch? Generating your own positioning statement is one of the most powerful ways to set your marketing on the right track. A strong positioning statement tells your target audience exactly what they need to know about who you are as a brand and filters out all the rest. This is the starting point for creating a marketing strategy that resonates through your entire company and out to the people you want to reach.   So, what is a positioning statement? A positioning statement is a succinct description of your brand’s target audience combined with a persuasive description of how you want your brand to be seen by that audience. This statement is not for your target market. It is a honing...

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